Salvia Divinorum


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Salvia Divinorum, commonly known as salvia, is a powerful psychedelic drug. It has profound effects on the user’s senses, significantly altering their thinking, perception of time, and emotions. This unique plant is often used in shamanic rituals due to its intense, mind-altering properties.


 Salvia Divinorum

Salvia Divinorum, commonly known as salvia, is a powerful psychedelic drug. It has profound effects on the user’s senses, significantly altering their thinking, perception of time, and emotions. This unique plant is often used in shamanic rituals due to its intense, mind-altering properties.

How Salvia Affects the Senses

One of the most notable effects of salvia is its ability to cause hallucinations. Users may see or hear things that do not exist or experience distorted versions of reality. These hallucinations can be incredibly vivid, making the drug both intriguing and potentially overwhelming for users.

The Psychedelic Experience

When taking salvia, individuals often report a deep sense of altered consciousness. This can include changes in how they perceive time, with minutes feeling like hours or vice versa. Emotional states can also be affected, ranging from euphoria to confusion or anxiety. As a result, it’s crucial to approach salvia with caution and ideally under the supervision of an experienced guide.


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